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Accredited by the Department for Education

100% live, real-time lessons

Over 19 years of experience

Fully UK-qualified teachers

Helping students reintegrate

48-hour enrolment turnaround

Dedicated regional teams

Building partnerships with you

Accredited by the Department for Education

100% live, real-time lessons

Over 19 years of experience

Fully UK-qualified teachers

Helping students reintegrate

48-hour enrolment turnaround

Dedicated regional teams

Building partnerships with you

Accredited by the Department for Education

100% live, real-time lessons

Over 19 years of experience

Fully UK-qualified teachers

Helping students reintegrate

48-hour enrolment turnaround

Dedicated regional teams

Building partnerships with you

wellbeing support

Our GCSE Rescue courses

Our popular GCSE Rescue courses are designed to cover essential content and prepare students for exams in a condensed timeframe.

GCSE Rescue is perfect for pupils who may be disconnected from learning, at risk of exclusion, emotionally based school avoiders (EBSA), or medically vulnerable. Our unique blend of 100% live teaching, interactive lessons, revision and skill sessions, as well as personalised and support students to achieve their best outcomes.

Enrol your students at any time throughout the year — the sooner, the better — for improved outcomes at an affordable price point. Please get in touch to receive further information on pricing for your school – prices start at less than £16 per lesson. 

How it works

Classes to support KS4 students

Our combination of live, interactive classes, supporting tasks and exam preparation help students who have missed large portions of their KS4 provision to catch up.
  • Courses are structured so students can join at any time, without missing out on entire topic areas; 
  • Rescue courses run right up to the Maths, English and Science exams in June – when mainstream schools are on study leave, our students still have access to course content, live lessons and their teachers for revision support;
  • Students learn in small groups with others of similar ability, activities are tailored to students’ needs with real-time feedback and our Inspired AI provides additional learning opportunities, customised to help fill learning gaps 
online alternative provision

Using Academy21 for GCSE preparation on-site

Our GCSE Rescue courses work well when used on-site.

Many of our partner schools utilise on-site hybrid provision with our courses to provide support for students who are not able to join their mainstream classroom. Our courses provide rigorous engaging academic content, build confidence and prepare students for exams, whilst still recording an attendance mark with the supervision of a single staff member, when supervised on site. 

Our courses, of course, are also beneficial and widely used for students who are not able to attend school or are attending sporadically for a range of reasons. Offering those students facing challenges the opportunity to improve their exam outcomes in circumstances where, as outlined in the recent DfE guidance, it is in the students’ best interests to access online remote provision. 

Why choose Academy21?

Enrol your students at any time

While our full 25 to 26-week courses are best joined sooner rather than later, you can enrol your students for GCSE Rescue at any time throughout Year 11.

Each course is designed for seamless integration, ensuring pupils never miss key topics no matter when they join us. Plus, with flexible, pro-rata pricing, you only pay for the subjects and time your students need.

All-round support for exam success

Alongside live lessons from Monday to Thursday and optional Friday consolidation courses, our GCSE Rescue brings your pupils everything they need to get back on track and achieve strong passes.

With everything from induction sessions to one-on-one teacher support, students received tailored guidance every step of the way. Regular mock exams and independent work, meanwhile, ensure each learner is fully prepared for test success.

Detailed insights to keep you informed

Stay up to date with your students’ progress through Academy21’s our comprehensive online monitoring and reporting features.

You’ll receive half-term and full-term reports detailing current grades, target grades, predicted grades, and teacher comments. Plus, with attendance tracking and participation checks for every lesson, we give you a 360-degree view of each pupil’s engagement and growth.

Supporting the students most in-need

GCSE Rescue at Academy21 is designed to help any Year 11 who needs support to catch up with the studies and make great progress.

Whether a student is an emotionally based school avoider or long-term absentee, are are disengaged or struggling with attendance, or medically vulnerable, our courses provide a supportive, inclusive environment where they can rebuild confidence and knowledge.


More ways you can use Academy21