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Accredited by the Department for Education

100% live, real-time lessons

Over 19 years of experience

Fully UK-qualified teachers

Helping students reintegrate

48-hour enrolment turnaround

Dedicated regional teams

Building partnerships with you

Accredited by the Department for Education

100% live, real-time lessons

Over 19 years of experience

Fully UK-qualified teachers

Helping students reintegrate

48-hour enrolment turnaround

Dedicated regional teams

Building partnerships with you

Accredited by the Department for Education

100% live, real-time lessons

Over 19 years of experience

Fully UK-qualified teachers

Helping students reintegrate

48-hour enrolment turnaround

Dedicated regional teams

Building partnerships with you


GCSE resits at Academy21

Our one-year GCSE resit courses are designed to bring your students the knowledge, skills, and assurance to achieve their best.

With their confidence knocked, many post-16 students struggle to return to GCSE classes and resit their core exams. At Academy21, your pupils get a strong and supportive learning experience that guides them to strengthen their understanding and develop the skills they need to achieve their best.

Get 100% live, interactive online lessons with subject-specialist teachers, seamlessly integrated into your school’s schedule — all with affordable, flexible pricing.


The right environment to achieve

A comprehensive, flexible solution

Academy21 brings you a complete solution for GCSE resits without any burden on administration and resources. Your regional partnership manager will visit your school, working closely with you to create tailored plans for your pupils’ specific needs.

From on-site virtual learning alongside other studies at school to home-based learning for students with complex needs, our GCSE courses are flexible to your requirements.

Safe, suitable learning space

Our experienced educators know that students resitting their GCSEs can feel both alienated and demotivated.
That’s why we’ve created a safe, supportive online classroom environment that’s free from the stigma and pressures of learning alongside younger peers — suitable for students up to age 19.

Bridging gaps for resit success

Successfully supporting students through resits requires a unique approach. Our teachers work to identify each student’s learning gaps, adapting their teaching style to provide personalised support.
Through engaging lessons, one-to-one attention, and regular feedback, we strengthen your pupil’s understanding of the knowledge and skills they’ll need to achieve a strong exam result.

Nurturing development all round

At Academy21, we understand that GCSE success goes beyond academic support. Building strong rapport with each student, our teachers and staff also work to foster pupils’ resilience, motivation, and self-belief.
The goal is for every learner to not only succeed in exams, but also move on to further education with the ability to achieve their full potential.


More ways you can use Academy21