DfE Online Education Accreditation Scheme (OEAS)
Join us as we discuss the new OEAS scheme and discover what educators need to know, and what it means for online alternative provision?
webinar overview
What do educators need to know about the Online Education Accreditation Scheme?
30-minute session with everything you need to know
Join Executive Headteacher, Alessandro Capozzi, as he explain what is involved in securing accreditation through the OEAS, and the difference it will make to schools using online AP with accredited providers. In the 30 minute session we cover:
- What is the OEAS and why do you need to know about it?
- Reflections on going through the process, the Ofsted visit and becoming the first Online AP to receive accreditation
- What this new quality mark means for your own commissioning of online alternative provision.
This webinar is suitable for anyone working in the education sector or responsible for commissioning online education. You do not need to be a customer of Academy21 to attend.