First Online Alternative Provision Accredited by DfE | Read the report

What are the steps that you should take to make sure that online provision works for your students?

In our latest guide, Exec Head Sandro Capozzi offers his practical advice to schools considering online provision.

We recognise that online alternative provision isn’t always right for every young person, but for some, it can be a great solution. We believe online provision can be a solution to some of the most stubborn challenges faced by schools; limited capacity in support services, high levels of student absence, and funding pressures, to name a few.

Whether online provision is used to support a student struggling with EBSA, as a short-term solution to help turn around a student in behaviour crisis, or part-time provision to help in a particular subject. Whatever the need, the recommendations in our new guide are influenced by years of experience with online learning and will help you get started.

vulnerable student happily studying at home

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0800 208 8210 or email [email protected]

If you are interested in finding out more about Academy 21 and our alternative education provision, or wish to discuss the individual needs of your pupil(s), then please call our friendly team using the telephone number above or fill out the form below.